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BHS’ 5th Annual – Israel: Talking @ the Movies

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Presented by Brooklyn Heights Synagogue

Israeli cinema is receiving international acclaim!

How are the Jewish challenges of identity, diversity, and responsibility reflected in Israeli films?

These films, all entertaining and challenging, create a springboard for our learning and conversation.

Grapple with the issues brought to the surface by these films through a dynamic discussion following each screening, facilitated by Isaac Zablocki, Executive Director of the Other Israel Film Festival.

Four Sessions: (see films below) all shown at 131 Remsen Street, Brooklyn NY 11201

Sunday, March 9, 2014 – 11:00am to 12:30pm

Thursday, March 13, 2014 – 7:00pm to 8:30pm                          

Sunday, March 23, 2014 – 11:00am to 12:30pm

Thursday, April 3, 2014 – 7:00pm to 8:30pm

BHS Member cost: $5 each film, $20 for series

Nonmember cost: $10 each film, $30 for series            718-522-2070 ext 21


Do You Believe in Love?


March 9 11:00am-12:30pm

Do You Believe in Love? – directed by Dani Wasserman (50 min.)

Even though Tova does not believe in love, she has had a remarkable success as a matchmaker. And so, people flock to her apartment where her husband, housekeeper, and daughter weigh in as she divines matches. Tova, who is paralyzed because of muscular dystrophy, specializes in finding matches for people with disabilities. Her tough-love approach leads to a unique matchmaking style but her passion for the work and for her clients is undeniable. Funny, heartwarming and endlessly entertaining, this documentary follows Tova over the course of a year and introduces the viewer to her family, inviting us to join in on her pain, humor, love and an enormous lust for life.




The Women Pioneers


March 13 7:00pm-8:30pm 

The Women Pioneers – directed by Michal Aviad (50 min.)

At the turn of the 20th century, individuals from across Europe brought their pioneering spirit and revolutionary ideals to Palestine, with a dream to create a new and more equal society. Among these pioneers were the fierce women who strove to reinvent a new woman in a new world. Through amazing found footage and personal diaries, The Women Pioneers uncovers the course of their passionate battles and painful disappointments, dedicating their lives to their personal liberation and national struggle.





Dove's Cry


March 23 11:00am-12:30pm

Dove’s Cry– directed by Ganit Ilouz (52 min.)

Hadeel, a lively 27-year old Arab teacher from Israel’s Wadi Ara region teaches spoken Arabic to a sixth-grade class at a Jewish elementary school as part of “a cross-cultural outreach program.” . The camera follows Hadeel over a year, during which she faces casual prejudice at work and mounting pressure to marry at home. While Hadeel remains convinced she can make a difference and moments of curiosity and dialogue with her students and co-workers offer reason for optimism, in candid conversations with the camera and her sister, Hadeel confesses fears and doubts. A humane and even-handed film about communication at any cost.




Mom, Dad, I'm a Muslim


April 3 7:00pm-8:30pm 

Mom, Dad, I’m a Muslim– directed by Anat Tel Mendelvich (58 min.)

Like any devout Muslim, Maor goes to the mosque, studies the Qu’ran, and prays towards Mecca five times a day. But something sets Maor apart – she was born May Davidovich, to a Jewish family in a small Israeli town called Karmiel, and converted to Islam when she was 18. ‘Mom, Dad, I’m a Muslim’ picks up four years later, when Maor begins to look for a an observant Muslim husband. This informal domestic portrait illustrates Maor’s plight, torn between two worlds, longing to find a place in the Arab community while dealing with the shunning she faces from her own. Maor’s journey, illustrated in humble everyday moments, is a testament to the triumph of human values over institutional walls.




All discussions will be facilitated by Isaac Zablocki

Isaac Zablocki is the director of film programs at the Jewish Community Center in New York, where he is also the director and a founder of the Israel Film Center. He is the Executive Director of the Other Israel Film Festival, and the executive director and a founder of ReelAbilities: New York Disabilities Film Festival.

Isaac grew up in Israel and served in the IDF as an educational filmmaker. He recently completed his first feature film “Reality Lost.”

The Other Israel Film Festival, now in its 7th year was founded in 2007. The Festival uses film to foster social awareness and cultural understanding. Their goal is to promote awareness and appreciation of the diversity of the State of Israel. It provides a dynamic and inclusive forum for exploration of, and dialogue about populations in margins of Israeli society, and encourages cinematic expression and creativity dealing with these themes.