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The logo for Brooklyn Jewish Heritage Initiative whose mission is to Organize Public Events, Create Oral & Video Histories, Provide Resources to the Brooklyn Jewish Community

Brooklyn Jewish
Historical Initiative

BJHI Hall of Fame Gallery

BJHI was created to tell the extraordinary story of the Jewish community of Brooklyn, and the BJHI Brooklyn Jewish Hall of Fame recognizes the leading Brooklynites who have truly made a difference in the world, and there are many.  You will note that we have a representative balance, from the Russian community, the Syrian community, the Chassidic community and so forth, as well as business leaders, social activists and entertainers.” 

“We would look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions, and stories you may have about them.


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2022 2023

BJHI Sponsor Levels

$500 – Silver $1,000 Gold $2,500 Diamond $5,000 – Platinum

Click button below or email Checks can be mailed to 3603 Quentin Road, Brooklyn, NY 11234

Brooklyn Jewish Historical Initiative (BJHI, Inc) is a 501c3 organization incorporated in New York State and located at 3603 Quentin Road, Brooklyn, NY 11234