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Brooklyn Jewish
Historical Initiative

recommended reading

The Brooklyn Jewish Historical Initiative (BJHI) is providing recommended reading for our visitors.


Abelow, Samuel P. History of Brooklyn Jews. Brooklyn, Scheba Publishing Company: 1937.**

Abrahmovitch, Ilana and Seán Galvin. Jews of Brooklyn. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2002.**

Grinstein, Hyman, B. The Rise of the Jewish Community of New York, 1654-1860. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1945.

Hershkowitz, Leo, Willis of Early New York Jews (1704-1799). New York, American Jewish Historical Society, Studies in American Jewish History, No. 4, 1967.**

Oppenheim, Samuel, The Early History of the Jews in New York, 1654-1664. New York, American Jewish Historical Society, No. 18, 1909.**

Rosenbloom, Joseph R. A Biographical Dictionary of Early American Jews: Colonial Times Through 1800. Lexington, KY:  University of Kentucky Press, 1960. **

** Available in Brooklyn Historical Society Collections