published on Apr 29, 2014 at 12:00 AM By:Mitch Stern on

Creative Soul, founded by Yitzchok Moully, is a group of Orthodox Jewish artists who offer exhibitions, dance groups and open mic nights. Moully, 35, is a Hasidic rabbi and artist who works with photo silkscreen works that portray important symbols of Jewish life.
Monthly art exhibitions are shown at the Mayan Center, a newly renovated community space rented by Creative Soul.
Works of art exhibited by Creative Soul run for sale anywhere between $300 and $3,000. Fundraising events are planned and the group is looking to other Jewish organizations in the United States to show Hasidic art.
Moully told The Wall Street Journal that all events agree with Jewish law.
“Personal Freedoms,” Creative Soul’s first exhibition, can be viewed through May 11. Three artists whose work is on display – Daniel Wolfe, Jodi Reznik and Natalia Kadish –incorporated themes of the Passover holiday that coincided with the opening.
Molly told VIN News, that work from famous Italian artist David Ariel will be upcoming in June. Ariel was the inspiration behind the first group show ‘Chassidim of Color’.