Speaker's Bureau and Tour Experts
Brooklyn Jewish Historical Initiative is proud to present its Speakers Bureau with selected topics by BJHI Board members. Our speakers represent a broad spectrum of Brooklyn Jewish history and reflect variety of subjects. Below you will find short bios of each speaker, some suggested topics and contact information for the speaker.
Note that each speaker would be happy to speak to potential venues and work out particular details and subjects.
Book OUR Brooklyn Jewish Experts
They are the people working to provide you the best Brooklyn Jewish experiences.

Sephardic History and Culture
– The Syrian Jewish Community
– From Aleppo to Flatbush
– Sephardic Food and Culture
– The Syrian Jewish Edict Against Marriage to Converts
– Syrian Jewish Cooking demonstrations

Meet Sarina Roffe'
A journalist, Sarina Roffé has published three books and hundreds of articles in journals, newspapers and magazines as well as many recipes. She specializes in Sephardic history, culture and genealogy and is recognized internationally for her research on Sephardic Jews. To schedule Sarina Roffé, contact her at sarinaroffe@aol.com

Brooklyn History from the Official Brooklyn Borough Historian
Tours: Victorian Flatbush Walking Tour
Topics:- – History of Jews in Brooklyn
– Trolleys, Trains and Jews
– Famous Jews of Brooklyn
– Fulton Street Department Stores
– From Boroughs to a City
– The 1898 Consolidation of NY

Meet Your Guide - Ron Schweiger
Born and raised in Brooklyn, Ron Schweiger is the official Brooklyn Borough Historian, appointed in 2002 by then Borough President Marty Markowitz. A teacher, he has conducted walking tours, bus tours and given lectures of Brooklyn’s historic neighborhoods and famous Brooklynites for 37 years. To schedule Ron Schweiger, email him at bklynremembered@aol.com.

History of Congregation Baith Israel Anshei Emes, a/k/a Kane Street Synagogue
- Topic: History of Jews in Downtown Brooklyn

Meet Judith Greenwald
A resident of downtown Brooklyn since 1965, Judith Greenwald is the historian and archivist of Congregation Baith Israel Anshei Emes, a/k/a Kane Street Synagogue, where she has been an active member for 50 years. She wrote the history of the 161-year old conservative synagogue, “The First 144 Years of Congregation Baith Israel Anshei Emes”. To schedule Judith Greenwald, email her at Jrgreenwald@mindspring.com

Authority of Popular Culture
- – Popular Culture,
– Sports History,
– Humor Studies,
– Russian Immigration,
– Brooklyn and Jewish History,
– World War II Movies and Music

Meet Joe Dorinson
A noted authority in the field of popular culture, Joseph Dorinson’s research specialties span sports history (in particular, the Brooklyn Dodgers and African American sports heros), humor studies, Russian immigration, Brooklyn and Jewish history, and World War II movies and music. His television appearances have included Fox News on Joe DiMaggio; “Brooklyn: The Way It Was;” and New York 1 News. To schedule Joe Dorinson, contact him at jdorinson@aol.com

Lost Synagogues in Brooklyn
Tours: Lost Synagogues of Brooklyn
- - Lost Synagogues of NYC, NJ,
- Jewish Celebrities of Brooklyn,
- The History of Conservative Judaism in Brooklyn,
- Architecture of Synagogues in NYC,
- History of Organized Jewish youth groups in NYC (Young Judaea, NIFTY, BBYO, etc)

Meet Your Guide - Ellen Levitt
As lifelong resident of Brooklyn, Ellen Levitt is the author of six books, including The Lost Synagogues of Brooklyn (2009), The Lost Synagogues of the Bronx and Queens (2011) and The Lost Synagogues of Manhattan (2013), all published by Avotaynu, the scholarly publisher of Judaic history and genealogy titles.To schedule Ellen Levitt, email her at bigsis464@yahoo.com