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Kane Street Synagogue

Brooklyn, the Most Jewish Spot on Earth

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By Hilary Danailova January 2018 A dozen years ago, I moved from a Park Slope brownstone to a rent-controlled apartment south of Kings Highway in Brooklyn. It turned out to be next door to the Ocean Avenue building where my grandmother, Shirley, had spent her first married years. “Tell me,” she demanded over the phone, her Brooklyn accent undimmed by 20 years in Florida, “is it one of those units with a sunken… Read More »Brooklyn, the Most Jewish Spot on Earth

Kane Street Synagogue’s Heroic Congregant

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Submitted by Judith Greenwald Among our early members was Civil War hero Brigadier-General Leopold C. Newman.  At the age of 22, already a lawyer and engaged to be married, he volunteered for duty in the 31st New York Infantry Regiment.  Newman fought in seventeen engagements and was promoted for valor to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel.  On May 3, 1863 he led his company in the charge of Mary’s Heights in… Read More »Kane Street Synagogue’s Heroic Congregant