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Old Jewish Men

Old Jewish Men – TikTock Sensation

Old Jewish Men TikTok’s ‘Old Jewish Men’ demand cheap lox, public toilets in NYC ‘protests’By Ben BlanchetNY Post Whether it’s the price of lox or public toilets, one of the latest TikTok trends features old dudes kvetching for a cause. “Make lox $2.99 per pound again,” gripe the elderly social media stars of @oldjewishmen, who take videos of the “protests” they stage around the city. The lifestyle brand from director Noah Rinsky,… Read More »Old Jewish Men – TikTock Sensation

Neil Diamond Goes Back Home to Brooklyn

Neil Diamond Goes Back Home to Brooklyn

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‘Jewish Elvis’ Returns for Surprise Gig at Erasmus Hall

By Hody Nemes Published September 29, 2014, Jewish Daily Forward

Tough Ticket: Fans wait outside Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn for a chance to see a rare show by singer Neil Diamond.
Tough Ticket: Fans wait outside Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn for a chance to see a rare show by singer Neil Diamond.

Who says you can’t go home again? Singer Neil Diamond returned to Brooklyn Monday for a surprise performance at the high school he attended in the 1950s.

Hundreds of fans lined up outside Erasmus Hall High School in the Flatbush section hoping to snag free tickets to hear a rare intimate performance by the entertainer sometimes called “the Jewish Elvis.”

“My buddy [said], ‘Can you cut out of work? We’re going on an adventure,’” said Henry Zervas, a 26-year-old Jersey City native hoping to see his first Diamond concert.

Other fans travelled from further afield. Jackie Beck, who sported a homemade “Diamond Girl” t-shirt, drove with her husband from western Pennsylvania.

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Brooklyn, the Most Jewish Spot on Earth

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By Hilary Danailova January 2018 A dozen years ago, I moved from a Park Slope brownstone to a rent-controlled apartment south of Kings Highway in Brooklyn. It turned out to be next door to the Ocean Avenue building where my grandmother, Shirley, had spent her first married years. “Tell me,” she demanded over the phone, her Brooklyn accent undimmed by 20 years in Florida, “is it one of those units with a sunken… Read More »Brooklyn, the Most Jewish Spot on Earth